The Mauritanian: Can innocence guarantee freedom?
X-Men >> 30s Review

The next phase of major human evolution is here - in the form of mutants. Humans are scared of the powers of the mutants, and mutants are unsure of their motives. Charles Xavier, who runs a school for mutants to help them come to terms with their powers, is leading the good mutants, Magneto the evil ones. Scared of what her powers are doing to the people around her, Marie runs away from home - incidentally, running into Wolverine, who is living a nomadic life after a memory loss.
Will Charles be able to stop Magneto from destroying humanity?
Will Charles be able to stop Magneto from destroying humanity?
Rating: Green - a movie that keeps you gripped. It is almost 2 decades old, the special effects may not be as fancy as today's by there is something in there that still keeps you hooked. Must watch!
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