Captain Fantastic: Family values. Power to the people. Stick it to the man.

Ben and Leslie Cash decided to live their life off grid. They created their paradise somewhere in the mountainous jungles in US. And, over the course of time they had six children.
The children have been raised with extreme physical and intellectual training and are very fit and knowledgeable. Way more than an average kid today.
Leslie developed symptoms of psychosis after her last pregnancy and had to be admitted to a hospital where she committed suicide.
The children want to attend their mother's funeral and want to give her the kind of farewell that she desired. But, Leslie's parents are against all this - and they have warned against any attempt to come even near them.
Will they succeed in saying the final goodbye to their mum? Are they ready to come face to face with the world?
Rating: Green - a superb take on an alternative approach to life - away from the messy modern world! Great acting, amazing story!
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